I have spent nearly an hour trying to get my Sony CMT-MX700Ni to stream music from my Mac. I found Serviio, which allows the stereo to accept the Mac as a server, and it picked up the two Windows Media Playlists I’d created a while ago. Then I found the Sony Network Remote which allows me to control the stereo with my iPhone, but it still wasn’t picking up my current playlist… And of course, that is the one I wanted! Searching for something led me here, and it was less than 5 minutes from download to running. It probably would have been even less time if I’d realized I needed to tell it to export the music file and not just the title. Definitely worth $5.
The stereo was a pain to use with Windows, and didn’t get used often. I was actually annoyed that I bought it instead of something less expensive… maybe it will get used more often now!
(And, I don’t often write reviews. When I do, I never give 5 stars unless the item REALLY deserves that kind of accolade!)
MsNonnymouz about Playlist Export